REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@sixkcygtone 2020/10/20 09:45
SixTONES's "Imitation Rain", "NAVIGATOR", and "JAPONICA STYLE" are so cool… https://t.co/V5otheR87n
REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@dxniik 2020/10/20 09:41
I request SixTONES "Imitation Rain"! Because it's their debut song to NEW… https://t.co/4r2BPzBBeo
REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@3xLqH0zFfvo1VdY 2020/10/20 09:42
I request SixTONES's "Imitation Rain"! Because I want you to see them rele… https://t.co/sykBWrwayH
REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@3xLqH0zFfvo1VdY 2020/10/20 09:40
I'm requesting a SixTONES song!
Their music empowers the listener!
I want… https://t.co/I61wAL13sq
REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@3xLqH0zFfvo1VdY 2020/10/20 09:44
I request SixTONES "Imitation Rain", "NAVIGATOR", "JAPONICA STYLE"!
Becau… https://t.co/r2XRSgq6Yn