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REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@torovote 2020/10/20 09:00
I’d like a lot of people all over the world to know their amazing songs… https://t.co/movuTNQahB
REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@sweetostones 2020/10/20 08:50
My request is NAVIGATOR, 2nd song from SixTONES after Imitation Rain. You… https://t.co/GABtiu36NP
REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@js61130 2020/10/20 09:20
SixTONES deserves to be a global star. They have many awesome songs like… https://t.co/dzL7K62Fe5
REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@cO5iXYWESgERgEQ 2020/10/20 08:40
Both their single CDs Imitation Rain and NAVIGATOR debuted No.1 on Billbo… https://t.co/q5GEMHgO5A
RT @arcanaproject: 📳配信情報📳
@E16JgYfbgGLrmtX 2020/10/20 09:29
『花宮ハナ(@hana_arcana )』がLINE LIVE 「#花宮とハナしたよ Vol.6」をお届け📣#LINELIVE