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Carnovsky's RetreatA Novel【電子書籍】[ Larry Duberstein ]
![Carnovsky's RetreatA Novel【電子書籍】[ Larry Duberstein ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/5619/2000002855619.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Carnovsky's RetreatA Novel【電子書籍】[ Larry Duberstein ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/5619/2000002855619.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Carnovsky's RetreatA Novel【電子書籍】[ Larry Duberstein ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/5619/2000002855619.jpg?_ex=365x365)
<p>A midsummer morning, Brooklyn, 1955. Oscar Carnovsky, a respectable (yet hardly distinguished) middle-aged man, leaves for work in the usual fashion: takes his share of the morning paper, kisses his wife goodbye, and waves back as he turns the corner of Linden Boulevard. He has done it precisely this way five thousand times.</p> <p>This particular morning, however, he waves from the corner and is not seen again, nor is he heard from, for years. Decades later (at Oscar’s funeral) his daybooks come to lightーa record of the missing years and of his life as The Invisible Mensch.</p> <p>This unremarkable man will soon become an unforgettable character as you accompany him on his flight through the 1950s in a highly original second novel from Larry Duberstein, whose earlier work, <em>The Marriage Hearse</em>, was hailed by the critics.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:880円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0
uber 関連ツイート
@Stasiacreate @ubtm0 限定のコミック本です。
@UBER_eats_ramen 2020/10/20 09:54
久々によく走ったし、よく登ったさぁ@uber_Pachi 2020/10/20 09:40
@uber_senyou @uber_senyou
キャンペーンは【10/20(火)まで】… https://t.co/EoPdZXgqe9@Official_LAJP 2020/10/20 09:38
@warutan_Uber @wDztx1TH4Kph9Yb 多分ヘルメットかぶってなかったんでしょうね。
@takecchifx 2020/10/20 09:53
RT @Ryosen_0731: Uberで唐揚げ丼頼んだんだけど、写真だと5個ぐらいは乗ってる唐揚げが2個しか乗ってない😇
これで1190円、さすがにおかしいのでは??🧐 https://t.co/OOXCv9ZhbX@nona3kaku 2020/10/20 09:48