Once Upon a Clearing【電子書籍】[ BERNICE BERGER MILLER ]
![Once Upon a Clearing【電子書籍】[ BERNICE BERGER MILLER ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/6779/2000005916779.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Once Upon a Clearing【電子書籍】[ BERNICE BERGER MILLER ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/6779/2000005916779.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Once Upon a Clearing【電子書籍】[ BERNICE BERGER MILLER ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/6779/2000005916779.jpg?_ex=365x365)
<p>Once there was a Clearing. It was several acres of green grass ringed by an umbrella of lush trees with fat bushes at their roots. At one point in time the clearing sat uninhabited. And then it wasnt. Small cabins emerged and a few people appeared and occupied them. Louis Johnson, a mountain of a man, gently led his petite wife, Lily, and their two children into Berthas cabin. As a youth, he had assumed the role of protecting his mother and little sister from his violent father. Without any formal anointment he was the designated leader of the small community. Ethan and Emily were the parents of three boys, two of whom were twins that were born in the flat bed of a wagon. And with Doc, Bertha, and her son young son Peter, the community was created in the clearing. In the encircling woods, Kate had stumbled on a thick root that snaked along the ground. Peter, searching for rabbits, saw her and dragged her to his cabin where Bertha stood on their unpainted porch. She carried Kate to her big bed that stood in the corner of the cabins main room. Peter summoned Doc who occupied another small cabin. Doc announced that Kate had broken her hip. The community, now twelve including the children, gathered at Berthas to see the broken hip. They had not seen one before. Their way of life was nearly independent of the bustling controlling world from which they all had come. Their world was pristine. Louis and Lily, along with their daughter, Venus, awakened the soft slumber of their community with a decision they made. Will the Clearing still remain green with an arch of a rainbow protecting it?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:468円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0
nice 関連ツイート
RT @KTEAM_JAPAN: 素敵すぎて言葉が出ない!
How nice! Thanks for sharing 😊
#HAPPY_K_DAY@potassiumkei 2020/10/20 09:25
RT @moeruasia01: 日本学術会議:軍事・防衛研究に反対だけでなく世界トップの素粒子研究も不支持 https://t.co/KzvDXFORsd
@nice_takenoco 2020/10/20 09:24
RT @yuukisuisan2: 施設は角田市の中心部にあり、当店からは車で🚗20分程で到着‼️
施設内は好奇心をくすぐる展示物が数多く展示されております٩( ᐛ )و
記念撮…@m_m_0190 2020/10/20 09:24
@savof03 @kazamidori_ishi サヴさんNICEです👍👍👍
@caribumatuyama 2020/10/20 09:18
@nice_ID_ 2020/10/20 09:26